Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Travon Martin-WWB( Walking While Black)

Ever heard the term DWB? I am sure you have, it's where an African- American gets pulled for apparently no reason at all simply for the colour of his skin.

Trayvon Martin was Murdered for WWB.  A 17 year old teenage boy, walking to the store to buy an iced tea and a bag of skittles was stalked down, hunted to the point where he ran for his life. He was shot with one bullet, by a man who claimed to be part of a Neighborhood Watch, who by the way are not authorized to carry weapons or act on behalf of the law enforcement. His only crime: Being BLACK.

This was a Hate Crime, a Racially Motivated Murder.

The biggot that pulled the trigger, George Zimmerman, is claiming Self Defense. If Mr. Zimmerman chased this young man, pursued him to the point where he was close enough to land a shot in him that would end his life , how in the hell is that self defense?

I sincerely hope Zimmerman is prosecuted for Travon Martin's Murder. Bigotry is not only ignorant, it is Evil.


Monday, March 19, 2012

Help Stop Bullying

This is a Documentary about Bullying. It goes on Everyday, day in and day out. Bullying affects our young people and can even lead to death or suicide in some cases.Recently a 14 year old girl who had endured two years of taunts from Bullies decided she could no longer endure the pain any longer and saw no light at the end of the tunnel, Eden Wormer,  an Eight grader at Cascade Middle School in Vancouver, Washington, hanged herself.  She was bullied mercilessly by female classmates for not fitting in their clique of so called Popular Girls.

Kids are bullied for various different reason at school. They are either too fat, too thin, too smart, too dumb, too gay, too straight. Bottom Line is in if the child doesn't fit into the group's click or way of looking at things he is considered a social misfit, and becomes the target of Ruthless Bullying.

The worse part of this is the Bully thinks that he or she is doing nothing wrong. Either the parents haven't given them a proper set of morals and values of which to live by, or they truly do not realize the consequences of their actions. They need to be made aware of them, This movie is a good way of showing them, another is by starting a dialogue with your children, find out if they are engaging in this sort of behaviour or if they are the target of it and get them help before it is too late.

Currently The MPAA has rated this movie R, which means teenagers aren't allowed to view it. This movie only has that rating because of a few swear words. This movie needs to be seen by Teens and Tweens. I encourage you to go to Change.org and sign the petition to get this movie rated PG- 13 so that it will be made more accessible.  http://www.change.org/petitions/mpaa-don-t-let-the-bullies-win-give-bully-a-pg-13-instead-of-an-r-rating

Sunday, March 18, 2012

99% Might Try a Revolution in America

I'm sure you have all heard by now about the 1% and the 99% percent and The Occupy Movement that is going on here in the United States.

Yesterday the Occupy Wall Street Movement were celebrating their 6 month anniversary in Zuccotti Park in New York when dozens of them were hauled off in handcuffs, albeit plastic ones, a handcuff is a handcuff. Last time I checked We had the right to peacefully assemble here in the United States, unless they have changed it.

This whole Occupy Movement was started because people are fed up with Tycoons having everything while the rest of America languishes in poverty. Protests are nothing new for America, Abbie Hoffman did it in the sixties and was jailed for his theatrical way of bringing about change.

Protests and Revolutions are going on all over the world as governments are overthrown and the in most cases the United States supports these Revolutions, but here in America when we protest they throw us in jail, go figure. Are they any different than the the rest of the world when it comes to being the Supreme Authority, not really.

I watched a movie about Pretty Boy Floyd the other day and he said something that still rings true today in regards to joblessness, " The banks still have money."

On Independence Day The 99% will convene in Philadelphia to work out their strategic plan of action. They are already assembling delegates from all the Congressional Districts.

Here is a list of things on their agenda:

Elimination of the Corporate State.
Overturning the “Citizens United” Case.
Elimination of All Private Benefits to Public Servants.
Term Limits.
A Fair Tax Code.
Health Care for All.
Protection of the Planet.
Debt Reduction.
Jobs for All Americans.
Student Loan Debt Refinancing.
Ending Perpetual War for Profit.
Emergency Reform of Public Education.
End Outsourcing and Currency Manipulation.
Banking and Securities Reform.
Foreclosure Moratorium, Mortgage Refinancing and Principle Write Downs.
Review and Reform of the Federal Reserve Banking System.
Ending the Electoral College and Enactment of Uniform Federal Election Rules.
Ending the War in Afghanistan and Care of Veterans.
No Censorship of the Internet.
Reinstitution of Civil Rights Including the Repeal of the NDAA.
Curtailing the Private Prison Industrial Complex.

Sounds a bit like a Revolution to me, but what do I know...

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Heil Santorum!

Rick Santorum has made a pledge to ban Hardcore Porn. Think about that. Getting rid of Pornography. He is of course doing this as a radical Conservative Bible Thumping Goody Two Shoes Campaign Promise.

Under attack are The Gay Porn Industry,  Hustler, Playboy, Penthouse, The Internet...Oh yes the Internet,  Santorum wants to regulate that too. Sounds a bit like the Salem Witch Trials. They were based on Religious zealots too.

The Porn Industry brings revenue into this government, and is good for the economy. Actors, Models, and Writers are employed by them, They all pay taxes. Their materials are sold legitimately and sales taxes go to the government.

By telling the Citizens of America what they are allowed to read and what they aren't you no longer are considered a Democracy you are considered a Dictatorship.

Heil Santorum!

I do agree that Adult Films and Materials need to be monitored, by Parents, not the Government.

Rational Regime...LOL

A top spymaster formerly employed by Israel, are spies really ever formerly employed, Meir Dagan  considers the regime in Iran to be a very rational one.  I almost pissed my pants from laughing when I heard this, well maybe I did a little if I must confess.

I am on the side of peaceful negotiations and diplomacy but Iran is in no way a Rational. Their country's regime works because people have no rights. You do what Mahmoud Ahmadinjad  says or face his ultimate wrath. He is called a President, but acts more like a Dictator, currently encouraging young girls to marry to increase the Iranian Population, controlling the banks and the Oil Ministry, the access his citizens receive to the outside world via internet.

Aides in his employ that even whisper a hint of dissident against him are jailed.

It is my opinion, and again just my opinion, that his Regime only runs on fear. To think that Mahmoud Ahddinjad is only using Plutonium for Nuclear Energy is like believing The Wicked Stepmother in Snow White was trying to make nice when she handed the young girl the apple.

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying " Go out and Nuke the Miserable Son of a Bitch", but I am saying Don't believe everything you hear either. Iran would drop a Nuke in a heartbeat, and not even blink an eye.

Wake Up Everybody

I made this video nearly a year ago. People are still asleep. WAKE UP EVERYBODY...People are still dying of starvation needlessly. Soldiers are being deployed and redeployed until they reach their breaking points and snap. Lives are lost all the way around. Social Service programs for the needy are cut to balance a budget while the rich get to keep their tax breaks, and in the meantime these women who already can't afford to feed their children are going to have their reproductive rights regulated. Fred Flintstone treated Wilma much better than the Republicans treat women.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Why Birth Control is Evil- To a Narrow Minded Fool

I have thought of a few reasons why a former slut like me would need birth control, I only say former, because I had a hysterectomy and have graduated to a full fledged whore who uses condoms for safe sex now, but that is neither here nor there.

Here are a few of the reasons:
1. Unwanted Teen Pregnancies- yes they are going to have sex whether we like it or not.
2. People having children that they can't afford to support, leaving the burden to fall on the taxpayer.
3. Unwanted children could and often do lead to neglected, and abused children.
4. Birth Control is a viable prevention to abortion
5. For Health reasons some women can not get pregnant at this stage in their life

There is a new study out that suggests a link between a diet rich in Fatty foods and a low sperm count in men. Perhaps we should put the Fat Cat's health at risk by loading them on a Super Size Me Diet a la the Morgan Spurlock documentary, lower their sperm counts until they have not only been emasculated to the point that they are incapable of impregnating a woman but they will never want to eat red meat or any greasy facsimile there of again.

I do promote condoms and safe sex, and I also promote a WOMAN'S right to choose.