Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Travon Martin-WWB( Walking While Black)

Ever heard the term DWB? I am sure you have, it's where an African- American gets pulled for apparently no reason at all simply for the colour of his skin.

Trayvon Martin was Murdered for WWB.  A 17 year old teenage boy, walking to the store to buy an iced tea and a bag of skittles was stalked down, hunted to the point where he ran for his life. He was shot with one bullet, by a man who claimed to be part of a Neighborhood Watch, who by the way are not authorized to carry weapons or act on behalf of the law enforcement. His only crime: Being BLACK.

This was a Hate Crime, a Racially Motivated Murder.

The biggot that pulled the trigger, George Zimmerman, is claiming Self Defense. If Mr. Zimmerman chased this young man, pursued him to the point where he was close enough to land a shot in him that would end his life , how in the hell is that self defense?

I sincerely hope Zimmerman is prosecuted for Travon Martin's Murder. Bigotry is not only ignorant, it is Evil.


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