Sunday, March 18, 2012

99% Might Try a Revolution in America

I'm sure you have all heard by now about the 1% and the 99% percent and The Occupy Movement that is going on here in the United States.

Yesterday the Occupy Wall Street Movement were celebrating their 6 month anniversary in Zuccotti Park in New York when dozens of them were hauled off in handcuffs, albeit plastic ones, a handcuff is a handcuff. Last time I checked We had the right to peacefully assemble here in the United States, unless they have changed it.

This whole Occupy Movement was started because people are fed up with Tycoons having everything while the rest of America languishes in poverty. Protests are nothing new for America, Abbie Hoffman did it in the sixties and was jailed for his theatrical way of bringing about change.

Protests and Revolutions are going on all over the world as governments are overthrown and the in most cases the United States supports these Revolutions, but here in America when we protest they throw us in jail, go figure. Are they any different than the the rest of the world when it comes to being the Supreme Authority, not really.

I watched a movie about Pretty Boy Floyd the other day and he said something that still rings true today in regards to joblessness, " The banks still have money."

On Independence Day The 99% will convene in Philadelphia to work out their strategic plan of action. They are already assembling delegates from all the Congressional Districts.

Here is a list of things on their agenda:

Elimination of the Corporate State.
Overturning the “Citizens United” Case.
Elimination of All Private Benefits to Public Servants.
Term Limits.
A Fair Tax Code.
Health Care for All.
Protection of the Planet.
Debt Reduction.
Jobs for All Americans.
Student Loan Debt Refinancing.
Ending Perpetual War for Profit.
Emergency Reform of Public Education.
End Outsourcing and Currency Manipulation.
Banking and Securities Reform.
Foreclosure Moratorium, Mortgage Refinancing and Principle Write Downs.
Review and Reform of the Federal Reserve Banking System.
Ending the Electoral College and Enactment of Uniform Federal Election Rules.
Ending the War in Afghanistan and Care of Veterans.
No Censorship of the Internet.
Reinstitution of Civil Rights Including the Repeal of the NDAA.
Curtailing the Private Prison Industrial Complex.

Sounds a bit like a Revolution to me, but what do I know...

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