Saturday, March 17, 2012

Rational Regime...LOL

A top spymaster formerly employed by Israel, are spies really ever formerly employed, Meir Dagan  considers the regime in Iran to be a very rational one.  I almost pissed my pants from laughing when I heard this, well maybe I did a little if I must confess.

I am on the side of peaceful negotiations and diplomacy but Iran is in no way a Rational. Their country's regime works because people have no rights. You do what Mahmoud Ahmadinjad  says or face his ultimate wrath. He is called a President, but acts more like a Dictator, currently encouraging young girls to marry to increase the Iranian Population, controlling the banks and the Oil Ministry, the access his citizens receive to the outside world via internet.

Aides in his employ that even whisper a hint of dissident against him are jailed.

It is my opinion, and again just my opinion, that his Regime only runs on fear. To think that Mahmoud Ahddinjad is only using Plutonium for Nuclear Energy is like believing The Wicked Stepmother in Snow White was trying to make nice when she handed the young girl the apple.

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying " Go out and Nuke the Miserable Son of a Bitch", but I am saying Don't believe everything you hear either. Iran would drop a Nuke in a heartbeat, and not even blink an eye.

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